8.2. How Does the Burnout Affect?

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“I have a feeling those white coat guys won’t make it without us.”


The Burnout has consequences on several areas such as work, emotional stability, physical condition and health (tiredness, muscle aches, headaches, and anxiety).

Even feelings of emptiness emerge once the person is no longer cared for, either because they are admitted to a nursing home or because of their death. This emptiness can last for years after the end of care.

Caregivers perceive that their professional activities disturb their:

   Psychophysical health, economic situation (costs of care such as adaptation of housing, loss of income when leaving work…)
   and social relations, including causing family conflicts
However, it is true that it does not affect everyone in the same way. Indeed, people with low resilience (ability to successfully overcome adverse situations) seem to suffer more from burnout, which makes them prone to develop this syndrome. People with a negative self-concept and a low perception of their self-efficacy, among other factors, are also more likely to suffer from Caregiver Burnout.
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